Firearm Age Restrictions Should Be Consistent

By: Amber Dejesus

Everytown for Gun Safety Support Fund reported that this year firearms are the leading cause of death for young people ages 18-20. This consistent data should be more than enough to reinforce strict age restrictions on any type of gun. 

I've heard the argument “guns don't kill people, people kill people,” but if that's the case we should start by prohibiting undeveloped youth from being able to possess such power. Teens and young adults aren't always fully aware of the power they hold with these weapons and cause a lot of deaths over petty altercations.

There are currently 14 states, which include Virginia, Washington, Pennsylvania, Ohio, and more that allow 18 year olds to purchase long guns, rifles, and/or shotguns. In these same states only those 21 and older can buy a handgun. Why should people be allowed to carry one type of gun but not the other? These inconsistent age restrictions are a light effort to stopping gun related incidents between such young groups, but much more can be done. Young adults should not obtain such a powerful tool that's only a trigger away from a life changing – or even life taking – incident. Data from Everytown for Gun Safety Support Fund has shown that 18-20 year olds are committing gun-related homicides at triple the rate that adults do. Solidifying the age requirements would help save hundreds of families, as well as the futures of the victim and the assailant. 

In Albuquerque alone from September 2023 to January of 2024 there have been around 150 juveniles arrested for acts that included a firearm. Data has yet again shown us we've failed to protect the livelihood of upcoming adults, but it's never too late to show that we in fact do care.

Legislators should take into consideration the wellbeing of these 18 years olds, keeping in mind that among the same age group, suicide rates have inceased 41% in the last decade. If the belief is that they shouldn't have access to more harmful and exotic guns, they shouldn’t have access to any at all until they turn 21. We have to take into account that teens aren't always just trying to hunt or hurt others; these weapons could also be used to take away their own lives. For this reason, we need more firmness on what age is allowed to buy any gun, not only to keep the public safe but to help teens struggling with mental health.

Parents and younger siblings shouldn't have to mourn the loss of a family member left because of an under qualified gun user. An angry egotistical nation being mad over firearm requirements should not matter as much as the millions of young lives that could be saved by strengthening the age requirements of every gun. In addition, there should also be background checks on fully grown adults also trying to purchase a gun. It will always be better to be safe than sorry. No one should stay angry knowing the reinforcements of these laws could save one of their loved ones or themselves. 

Society needs to grow up and open up their eyes to realize that guns are a luxury and that they in fact have to be distributed slowly and safely. We've shown we're not capable of keeping each other safe with these weapons out in the public.


The Homeless Are Humans, Too